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Eragon Walkthrough

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Eragon Walkthrough Empty Eragon Walkthrough

Post by Elwa 26th April 2009, 16:15

Version 1.0
Author: Elwa


1. Introduction
2. Version History
3. Game Basics
4. Walkthrough
5. Unlockables
6. Xbox 360 Achievements

1. Introduction

Eragon is based on the books and movie by the same name. You take on the role
of the title character, Eragon, and on occasions his dragon, Saphira.

This guide is intended for the Xbox 360 version of the game. The back of the
box cover indicates that there is excluvise content in this version: "New Kull
boss battles and two additional levels including the Ruins of Orthial". If
other versions have different exclusive content it will not be covered in this

One of the progression summaries at the end of the missions says you can plug
in a second controls where the second player can control your companion while
you control Eragon.

2. Version History

Version 1.0 November 27, 2006. Initial Version of this Guide.

3. Game Basics

3.1 Menus

3.1.1 Main Menu

New Game - Begin a new game

Load Game - Resume a save game. NOTE: The game autosaves after completing a

Options - Review the controls, Set the Volume, and toggle Vibration

Credits - Access the credits for either Stormfront Studios or Vivendi Games

Unlockables - Review the stills and movies unlocked by find the secret eggs.

3.1.2 Pause Menu

Resume - Resume playing

Start form Last Checkpoint - Return the the previous checkpoint. You (and any
allies) be at full health, but your fury meter will be set to zero.

Restart Level - Begin the level over again. You'll be able to change the
difficulty level if you haven't found the secret egg previously.

Controls - Invert Axis

Skills - Review Skills

Options - Set Volume and Vibration

Quit - Stop Playing and go to level summary.

3.2 Controls and Skills (360 version)

3.2.1 Eragon Controls/Skills

Left thumbstick - Walk/Run
A - Quick Attack
B - Strong Attack / Grab
B, A, A - Knockback Swipe
A, B, B - Knockdown Smash
A, B, A - Stun Attack
B, A, B - Grapple Combo
Y - Jump
Y + A or B - Jump attack
RT - Draw Bow
RT + A Bow Quickshot
RT hold A - Bow Precision Shot
RT + Left Thumbstick - Strafe
RT + Right Thumbstick - Change Bow Target
Grab Enemy, A Punch
Grab Enemy, B Throw
X - Block
X + Left thumbstick - Strafe
From Ground, Left Thumbstick - Get Up
From Ground, Left Thumbstick, A = Get Up Attack
From Ground, Left Thumbstick, B - Get up Tackle
LT - Ready Magic
LT + Left Thumbstick, Strafe
Target Item, LT + A - World Magic
Target Enemy, LT + A - Magic Pull
Target Enemy, LT + Y - Magic Push
LT + Right Thumbsitck - Change Magic Target
LT+RT+A - Magic Arrow
LT + X, Magic Shield
Target Enemy, LT + B - Fire Magic
Click both thumbsticks = Fury mode (if meter is full)

Below Ledge, Y - Grab Ledge
On Ledge, Y - Pull up
On Ledge, A - Drop down
On Ledge, Left Thumbstick - Shimmy along ledge

Enemies (not Kull, Ra'zac, or Durza) on Ground, A or B - Killing blow
Kull on ground, B twice - Ride Kull

On back of Kull, Left Thumbstick - Steer
On back of Kull, B - Jump off

Start - Pause Game

3.2.2 Dragonflight Controls/Skills

LT + A - Magic Deflect
RT + A - Shoot Magic Arrow
A - Firebreath
B - Tailwhip
X - Clawblock

Left Thumbtick - Steer
Right Thumbstick - Target Select
Click both thumbsticks - Speed Burst

Start - Pause Game

3.2.3 Level Summary

Y - Save Game
B - Replay Level
A - continue (go to map screen)

3.3.4 Map

Left Thumbstick - select an unlocked mission
B - Return to Level Summary or Main Menu
A - play selection mission.
X - Exit to Main Menu

3.3 Hud

3.1.1 Eragon Hud

Bottom Left - Health (red) and Magic (Blue) Meters
Bottom Right - Ally Health
Bottom Center - Fury Meter
Top Left - Boss health
Top Right - Enemy count (one mission only)

Last edited by Elwa on 17th May 2009, 20:31; edited 1 time in total

Female Number of posts : 435
Age : 35
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2009-01-12


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Eragon Walkthrough Empty Eragon Walkthrough

Post by Elwa 26th April 2009, 16:16

3.1.2 Dragonflight Hud

Bottom Left - Health (red) and Magic (Blue) Meters
Top Left - Boss health
Top Center - Firebreath meter

Top Right - Dove counter (one mission only)
Bottom Right - Minimap (one mission only)

4. Walkthrough

Having complete the game on Hard I'll base the guide on that difficulty, if
your playing on a lesser difficulty the same strategies will work there as
well, although you can get away with a lot more.

If you find yourself low on health and your fury mode is full, you can use
your fury mode to heal you and your ally (Eragon mode only). Otherwise, try
to save if for fighting a large number of enemies in the same location.

Eragon and his companion can heal be collection red orbs with are dropped by
some enemies. The companion will need to be lured through them which is a lot
easier said than done. Chest may also contain red orbs if Eragon is injured.
If he is not injured they will contain green orbs with will help fill the fury
meter. Enemies also drop green orbs when they die, which are collected

4.1 The Spine Mountains

The game begins with you tracking a deer. Follow the path until you get to a
small ledge around a turn to the left. Jump up it and another following it.

Now you'll need to break through several patches of brush using the attacks
displayed at the top of the screen: Use either a quick or strong attack for
the firsh brush (A or B), a knockdown swipe for the second (B, A, A), a
knockdow smash for the third (A, B, B), a stun attack for the fourth (A, B,
A), and a grapple combo for the last (B, A, B). You may need to put a bit of
a pause between the first and second attacks on the grapple combo to get it

Continue following the path around a bend to the right. Jump to grab the
ledge and pull yourself up.


Keep Going around the bend to the right and jump and grab the ledge. Shimmy
left across the creek. (Note the glowing blue object in the distance, that's
the secret egg for the mission.) Drop down on the other side.

Follow the path around a turn to the right.

*SECRET EGG* Before following the deer through the stone arch, jump and grab
the ledge to the right and pull yourself up. Walk to the secret egg to get
it. Return to the path.

Go through the stone arch into the clearing.

Its time for some target practice with your bow. Use quick shots (RT and
press A) on the first six targets. The last four will require precisions
shots (RT and hold A until the control vibrates amd release.

Progress Summary:
Eragon has found a strange Blue Stone!

Use your combos to gain an edge in battle:
B, A, A = Knockback Swipe
A, B, B = KnockDown Smash
A, B, A = Stun Attack
B, A, B = Grapple Combo

4.2 Carvahall

Eragon is joined by Brom is this mission. You begin fighting a large number
of swordman. These are amateurs so you can get away with just mashing randow
combos. If they are some distance from you try to soften them up with quick
shots from you bow (just don't be moving when you try to pull your bow or
you'll roll towards them instead). Precision shots will take them out with a
single hit if you have time to get them off. Grab any red orbs they drop if
you get hurt, or try to lure Brom through them if he does.

After the battle you'll be in a cellar. Smash the chest in the background to
reveal a red orb (aka Large Healh orb), get it if your injured or lure Brom
through it if he is. Go right and smash another chest. This one contains a
green orb (AKA super orb) which will help fill the fury meter.

Smash the barrels to the right and go through the doorway.


You'll now enter a battle agains sever Urgals, large men which are very strong
at hand to hand combat. They attack in two's. Try to do a jump and stong
attack to stun one of them and follow up with a combo. When your's is dead
finish Brom's off with a precision shot. If you need it, theres a chest on
the right side that you can smash for health after dispatching a few Urgal.


Use a precision shoot to take on the lone gaurd here.

*SECRET EGG* Jump and grab the ledge to the left of when the guard was and
pull up to the loft here to get the egg. Drop back to the ground.

Another battle ensues, much like the one at the beginning of the level. You
can handle in the same way. They are a couple of chest to the right if you
need to heal.


The Ra'Zac are on the other side of a wooden barrier from where you on.
Quickly smash the barrels and hanging meat to get to the right side of the
room. There a chest part way if you need to heal. DO NOT try to fight the
Ra'zac. All you need to do is make it out the door on the right side of the

Progression Summary:

Brom has given Eragon an old sword. Your Attacks are now Stronger.

4.3 Daret Docks

You can just hack and slash with quick attacks through the amateur swordmen on
the platform where you start. Feel free to shoot some arrow if you have room
while Brom keeps them busy. After dispatching them drop down on the left end
of the platform.

These a chest where you land and more amateurs to hack and slash through will
follow you down.

Head left along the walkway. Use precision shots to pick off the swordsman
and bowmen on the upper walkway as they run towards you. Put the priority on
the bowmen that so they don't inflict as much damage. The are two more chest
here if you need to heal.

NOTE: Try to save you're fury meter for tougher opponents. It may be full
now but these battles are trivial.

Jump and grab the upper walkway at the left end of the one your on. Follow
it around a turn to the right. Jump up and go around another right.

Head right and hack and slash the swordsman you come to and use precision
shots on the archers in the distance and other swordsman running towards you.
Stand at the end of the walkway and pick off all of the soldiers in the
distance with precision shots.

Drop down to the right. There will be an archer in the distance to pick of
and some soldiers that will run towards you to quick attack.

Destroy the barrels and pick off the soldiers in the distance with precision

Jump up and grab the ledge to the right. Pull yourself up. There's a chest
here and another to the left of the building if you need healing.

Go around the walkway to the right of the building and destroy the barrels.


It's time for your first magin lesson. Use magic (LT + A) on the spears to
pick off three archers. Use magic on the crane to swing a platform into
place. If you need to heal go into the building to the left for the crate.

Jump up to grab the platform you just moved. Pull yourself up. Jump onto the

Destroy the boxes and two Urgals will appear. You can deal with them like
the batch in the previous mission or you can use magic on the spears here to
skewer them.

Go to the far end of this walkway and drop down to the right. You can use
the spears here to kill the three Urgal, or precisions shots if you have room.

Go to the right end of this walkway section. Use magic on the crane. Use a
precision shot to drop the net onto the Urgals below.

Drop down to the right. Pick off the Urgals in the distance with precision
shots if you want.

Go right and not the secret egg in the distance. Use magic on the crane. Use
precision shot on the net to smash the crates below. Use magic on the smashed
walkway to form a raised platform. You can just onto the platform and drop
onto the lower walkway to get a chest if you need healing.

Jump and grab the upper walkway from the platform. Pull up and head right,
there's another chest at a left turn if you need healing or fury.

This may be a good spot to use fury as four Urgals will attack at once.
Otherwise try running around to get enough distance for precision shots or to
use the spears.

Head right and pick off the soldier on the walkway and three Urgal archers
that shoot flaming arrows. If you need to heal drop onto the platform at the
end of the walkway to get the chests (or to partial recharge your fury)

Use your magic on the ship's mast to swing it towards you. Jump up and grab
it and shimmy to the boat. Drop down. Use magic to swing the mast back.
Jump to grab it again and shimmy across to the far walkway. Drop down again.
Head left to a fork in the walkway

Female Number of posts : 435
Age : 35
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2009-01-12


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Eragon Walkthrough Empty Eragon Walkthrough

Post by Elwa 26th April 2009, 16:16


*SECRET EGG* Keep going straight and follow the walkway around a left turn
and a hairpin to the right to get to the secret egg. Return to the fork,
you'll need to jump up at the corner before it.

Head forward towards a building. Use precisions shots from the building to
pick of the approaching Urgal. There's a hidden chest in the building if you
need healing or fury energy.

Continue along the walkway, dropping through a gap where you can get health or
fury energy. Jump and grab the left section of the walkway and pull up.

Enter the building to the left. Follow the walktway to the right.

Use push (LT + Y) or pull (LT + A) magic on the two Urgals to give them a nice
cold bath.

Jump and grab the beam to the right and shimmy to where the Urgals were. Drop
down there. Kill four Urgals with magic or precision shots.

Follow the walkway and use push or pull magic on the archer. Continue along
the walkway. Jump and grap the higher walkway at the end. You can drop off
the left end, go along the walkway, smash through a barrier to get to a chest
if you need it, before running to the upper walkway.

Go right and use push magic on the Urgal at the end. Jump up and grab the
beam and shimmy right across the gap. Drop down.

Continue right and drop down. Go right and use a precision shot on the Urgal
breaking through the barrier. Use magic on the broken walkway to repair it.
Follow the walkway to the waterfall. Jump and grap the higher walkway to the
left and continue towards the waterfall.

Jump and grab the beam to the right of the falls and pull yourself up. Here
you'll be using Pull magic on several archers. After dealing with the first
one, wait for your magic to recharge and jump and grab the ledge above you and
pull yourself up.

Use magic on three more archers. Jump and grab the beam and shimmmy left
across the falls. Drop down on the other side and use pull magic on the last
two archers while you hide to left. Jump, grap, and pull up to ledges and go
through the door.

Progression Summary:

Eragon has learned Telekinesis Magic

Use LT+A to Pull
Use LT+Y to Push.

4.4 Daret Town

The town is on fire. You'll need first a seeming endless stream of enemies
while villager put out the fires in several locations.

You can give the villagers some initial help in the first area by destroy the
water barrell by the door to the right. After doing so come forward in the
screen to the edge of the water. From here you can use pull magic to displace
the Urgals whenever you're magic is fully charged, and precison bow shots to
get others are a distance. If one gets too close when your magic isn't
charge, run around a bit until it is, or try a jumping attack.

Once the flames are out go through the door to the right. There a chest
inside under the stairs to the right to increase your health or fury. Go up
the stairs, the bottom of which is toward the back left of the room. Go
through the door to the left when you reach the landing at the top of the

Go along the walkway, around a corner to the right and another to the left to
a building which a couple of guards who are easily dispatched with sword
combos. There's a chest inside the building to increase your health or fury.

Continue to the end of the walkway and use your magic to open this side of the
exit gate. Backtrack all the way to the beginning of the level.


Same strategy as when you started the level except there is no water battle to
break to help the villagers putting out the fire on the door the left. Use
pull magic by the shore on the Urgals and precision shots to get through the

Enter the building to the left once the fire is out. There a chest hidden
under the stairs in here. Climb the stairs and use pull magic to deal with
the enemies on the other side of the wheel, switching to quick shots while
your magic recharges.

Jump and grap the ledge to the right of the wheel. Pull up and smash the
chest for health or fury. Follow the walkway around the room to the other
side of the wheel.

Jump and grab the beam beside the wheel and smimmy to the other side. Drop
down. Use push magic on the enemies here. You may need to block or use
jumping attacks while your magic recharges.

Go through the doorway to the left. You can pick off a couple of enemies on
the ground from the walkway outside. Follow the walkway and enter the
building at the other end.

Go down the broken stairs inside the building. When the Urgals break through
the wall, go up the bottom of the broken stairs and use precision shots on

Go throug the hole the Urgals made into a burning watehouse. Jump and grab
the ledge to the right, pull up. Do the same with the ledge above it. From
the second ledge, jump and grab the beam and shimmy left across the room to
the landing on the other side. Go out the door.

Go left along the walkway if you want a chest. Return to the beginning of the
walkway and break the barrels to extinguish the flames. Go back into the
building and drop to the floor. Leave by the door on the ground level.


Start crossing the bridge to the left. The two soldier in front can be
dispatched with precision shots, but you'll need to use pull magic on the one
with the shield to rip in away from him. After his shield is gone he's just a
normal soldier.

Past that trio is another area when you need to defend the villager
extinguishing the flames. Destroy the four barrels by the door to the right
of this area. There a chest behind the barrell on the left side of the door.

Like the first area you can head to the water in the front left of the screen
and use precision shot on enemies in the distance and pull magic on those that
manage to get close.

Once the flames are out go into the building and hitting the barrier on it
several times.


The men running towards you are trappen villagers. Note the chest on the
start to the right of the bar. Save it unless you need health now. Deal
with the Urgals that break through the wall. You can try push magic to send
them into the flames.

Go through the hole the Urgal came through. Come forwarding into the screen
to get onto the platform. From the left side use your magic on the boards
leading against the wall to form a staircase. Climp up it.

Go along the walkway parellel to the stairs and stair using precision shots on
the enemies. When the Urgal reach you, run to the other end to take a shot
from their and repeat as necessary. Pull the shield away from any shielded
soldiers with pull magic. If you get injured use the chest at the left end of
the walkway.

After dealing with the enemies attack the debris that fell when you reached
the top of the start.


Instead of going the the door, balance along the rafter to reach the secret
egg on a platform to the left over the bar below. If you fall off you'll need
to go all the way around again. Backtrack to the door.

Go through the door. There's a chest to the right along the walkway. Go left
and deal with the Urgal, Try to use push magic on him to send him to the
ground. Afterward open the second side of the gate from here.

Head back toward to the building, you'll need to deal with two Urgal, either
with precision shots or push magic. Go back through the building and into
the area with the gate.


There are several shield soldier waiting for you. This may be a good time
for fury mode if you have it. Whenever archers appear on the walkways by the
gate, use pull magic on themm. The shielded soldiers can be dispatch by using
magic on the spears in the center if the Urgal will let you. Deal with the
Urgals using pull magic when your by the water towards the front of the

If you didn't use it when the fire was being put on there's a chest under the
walkway to the left.

Progress Summary:

Play Tip: Save your Fury Power for especially difficul battles.

When your Team Power Bar is Full, Presss L + R to intiate Fury Power.

4.5 Daret Bridge

Use a precision shot to get one of the soldier running towards you. Push
magic will take care of a second. Sword combos or push magic when it
recharges can be used on the last two.

Go along the docks the soldiers ran down an turn the corner to the left.

You'll need to summon Saphira twice (LT + A) to take out the two towers. Use
push magic on the soldier on the down to send them over the sides, or
precision shots if your far enough away. Sword combos will be good as well.
There's a chest hidden behind the side building on the docks if you need to

Go through the gate to the next section of the bridge.


Use push or pull magic on the arching on the platforms to the right of the
screen and precision shots on the enemies coming towards you on the bridge.
Use sword combos or push magic if they get to close to you.

Go a bit left on the bridge and start using precision shots and push magic on
the Urgals. Summon Saphira to take out on the towards. Deal with a few more
Urgals and summon spahira again.

Destroy the debris to the left front. Go as far left as you can and you'll
fall onto a rock.


Use magic on the logs to forw a bridge. Cross it. Use prescision shots and
pull magic on the archers. Jump and grab the ledge. Pull yourself up.

Use magic on some more logs. Use push magic on one of the soldiers and sword
combos on the other. Cross the bridge. Use magic on some more logs. Get the
archer with a precision shot and use push magic on the Urgals.

Cross the bridge and climb the stairs. Use pull magic on each soldier in
turn and a precision shot to finish him off. After dealing with them process
left a bit and start using push magic on Urgal just after they climb up. For
the ones that come up while your recharging you'll need to fall back and
circle around them to position yourselft to push them off.

Head towards the gate, there's a chest to the right.. Use magic on the right
side and them the left, Brom will take care of the bow work to open the gate.

Female Number of posts : 435
Age : 35
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2009-01-12


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Eragon Walkthrough Empty Eragon Walkthrough

Post by Elwa 26th April 2009, 16:17


Use push magic on the Urgals and try to get precision shots in on the other
enemies, or sword combos if them get close. Try to clear the top end of the
path first so you can give yourself room for the precision shots.

Go down the path and pick off an couple of archers on the path below with
precisions shots. Drop to the path below at the end of the walkway. Pick off
the two eniemies with precision shots and get the chest if you need it.

Go left along the lower walkway. Use pull magic or precisions shots on three
Urgals that will appear. There's a chest by the buide at the corner before
the ramp up.


Drop to the right at the building here. Drop down one more level to the left
to find the secret egg. Jump, grab and pull up twice to get back to the path.

Go up the path amd jump to get back to the main bridge.


You'll learn how to use magic arrows now. (LT + RT + A). These will be a
staple in combat from now on because of their knock down ability.

A single magic arrow shot take out the lot on the platform in the distance.
Use precision shots on the two archers that appear afterwards.

Use magic to move a beam closer to you. Jump and grab it. Shimmy along it
and drop to the platform at the other end. Use magic arrow to deal with the
Urgals and dodge them while it recharges. If by some change they are only
knocked down use a kill attack on them while they're down.

Jump up to the next platform. Jump and grab the ledge where the archers
where. Use the chest here to get some health.

This is a good spot to use fury mode. Keep shooting magic arrows to deal with
the enemies until the cutscene kicks in. If you don't have fury, just dodge
the enemies while it recharges.

Progress summary:

Eragon Has Learned How to Fire Magic Arrows.

Pull and Hold LT+RT Then Press A to Fire Magic Arrows.

4.6 Ra'zac Chase

This is the first level that you right on Saphira's back. The first section
is a bit of a tutorial in which you learn about restoring health by eating
doves. There will also be notes on reducing damage (X), tail attacks (B),
speed burst (click both thumbsticks), and use of magic arrows (RT + A).

Follow the river to a fork where Brom will release a dove which will fly left
or right. Follow it and fly through it to eat it. I found it easier to catch
on the right fork which doesn't have as trick a turn.

On the first pass there will be a second dove where the path rejoin. Don't
worry about this if you miss as it can be difficult to catch. You'll be
prompted to use the speed burst on the second pass. (I've had no use for

You enter a wooded section now. Stay high and above the trees and above the
path to avoid taking damage.

You'll come to a small falls ahead. The first pass you'll be prompt to
practice reducing damage on the boats with the wind shield (X). The second
pass you be prompted to use the tail attack (B) on them.

You pass through a stone arch to the starting point. You can get is some
target practice with your magic arrows on the target to the right.

Keep circling around this loops until you catch four doves.


You'll now in pursuit of the Ra'zac. Just keep firing magics arrows
continuously hear. There will be a dove whenever there is a choice of paths,
do your best to follow them.

NOTE: There's a checkpoint when you'll done 50% damage to the enemy. Where
this happens doesn't matter as restarting from the checkpoint brings you back
to the beginning.

Follow the river. Watch for the first down around a bend to the right where
there is a store arch. Go on the same side of the arch as it does. You'll
be chasing it around a bend to the left.

Keep following the river and turn right into a vally. Another dove appears
ahead and chooses the left or right fork. Follow it. You should catch up
about where the paths join up again.

The path turns right and then left into a cave. Avoid the stalagmite and
stalactite and you follow the winding tunnel. A dove appears at an
underground lake, try to fly through it and the path turns left out of the
cave at a waterfall.


As you loops around the basin fly through the base of the waterfall to get the
secret egg.

You'll now enter an area with giant trees. Steeer around the trunks. You may
need to use the shield agaist the braches.

A dove appear part way through the area. (You'll likely hit the checkpoint
around here as well). Another dove appears near the end of this forest.

You'll emerge over another basin and will loops around to enter a cave.
You're actually going back the way you came. After leaving the cave watch for
the dove at the fork and follow it, but beware of the falling try. Look for
another dove when you get back to the stone arch.

You should inflict enough damage before you get back to the start. If not
you'll loop back around in a narrow tunnel.

Progression Summary:

Play Tip: To Dispatch Enemies Quickly, Try using Magic to push them into
Fire, Deep water, or over cliffs.

4.7 Trapped!

This level takes plase in a small area where Saphira is trapped under debris.
You must free her while dealing with the Ra'zac.


At some point during this battle go the the front right of the area to find
the secret egg.

Use magic on three of the roots over Saphira and one set of lots. Take
quickshots at the Ra'zac which Brom should be keeping busy while your magic
recharge. Use magic on one set of logs after dealing with the roots.

Help Brom with the Ra'zac by using Magic Arrows followed by quick shots will
your magic recharges. If you get into trouble there are chests to the left.

Repeat the proceed with a second second of brambles and a log. Help Brom out
with the second Ra'zac.


Both Ra'zac are out now. The are four roots and a log to remove from Saphira,
make sure you're well away from the Ra'zac when you use your magic or they
will interupt you. You do not need to attack the Ra'zac, Saphira will take
care of them once she's free.

Progression Summary:

Eragon can now use 'shield' magic.

Use LT + X to create a magic shield trat protects Eragon and reples enemies.

4.8 Gil'ead City

For the most part this is a stealth mission. If you mess up on part of it,
all is not lost, you'll just have a tough fight on you hands as the soldier
are now professionals so sword combos will be less effecting. Fortunately
with the magic arrow you can use one of those to knock a group down, use a
kill attack on one of them and run around while your magic recharges. This
walkthrough will cover the stealth aspect.

Go right from where you start. Go toward the wall at the back of the screen
when you reach the stocks. Use magic on the scaffolding. (Note the is a
chest hidden to the left, save it for now in case you mess up and need health)

Jump, grab and pull up onto the ledge the magic forms. Jump and grab the
board above it and shimmy right to the gap in the railing. Wait for the
guards to past heading right, pull up and run left and duck right behind the

Go right and use magic on the bell tower. Brom will shoot the bell. Smash
the chest while your here to get some fury.

Head back and wait for the guards to be headed away from you before making a
run for the gap. Drop to the ground to complete the stealth portion. Get the
chest to the left.

Head back to the starting point and go through the gate that ringing the bell


Go forward and turn through the gate to the left.


Jump and grab the building to the left of the round platform that's just ahead
of you. Pull up. Go on the wider part to the left and jump and grab the
window to the right of the barrels. Pull yourself into the build and head
right. Jump and grab the beam when you get to the balcony. Shimmy right and
drop onto the other balcony. Ignore the chest, you can't get there from
here, instead go right and drop on the secret egg. Drop to the ground from
here. Come forward until you can see the round platform with the barrels
beside it again.

Now go through the door in the building to the right. Go up the stairs inside.
On the upper floor to the front right and jump and grab the ledge above the
fire. Jump and pull up twice. Jump to get to the roof. Head right and get
the chest. Return to where you game up.

The are two gaurds across the way that will spot you as you try to cross the
boards to the left. Pick them off with a magic arrow precision shot and
follow up with a precision shot to get both of them with minimal damage.

Go left across the boards. Get the chest here, this is the one you ignored
while going for the secret egg.

Follow the board to the back of the screen and jump up. Go right along
another board. Drop down through the gap above a door. Jump and grab the
beam to the right of the door. Shimmy right and drop onto the roof there.

Use a magic arrow on the soldier that runs towards you, and use a kill attack
while he's knocked down. Go down the narrow alley and use magic arrows and
quickshots on a couple of archer.

Jump and grab the beam to the left at the end of the alley. Shimmy into the
screen and drop down where the archers where. Go ahead to the end of the


Female Number of posts : 435
Age : 35
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2009-01-12


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Eragon Walkthrough Empty Eragon Walkthrough

Post by Elwa 26th April 2009, 16:17

This is a another stealth segment. Wait for the marching soldier to turn
towards the front of the screen and head left. Go into the barracks.

Head straight left through the barracks. Quickly run between the barracks,
there a minimal chance you'll be spotted here. Sneak left through the second
barrack. Go left through the dining area, get the chest at the left end by
the back wall, and go left to the drainage tunnel entrance.

Use magic on the wall to the right to open up the tunnels. Enter the the
tunnels throug the entrance you made. Follow it until you get to an opening
to the left.

Jump up the crates to the left by the barn. Jump, grab and pull up from the
top crate to get into the loft of the barn.

You've got one shot to balance across the rafters to avoid a difficult fight.
If you fall the horses will alert the guards. You need to get to the window
on the opposite wall. From there use magic to open the bell toward and follow
up with a precision shot to ring the bell to open the next gate.

Carefully go back across the rafters and out the window you enter the barn
through. Go back into the sewers and continue down them. Go over the
boards at the drainage pit and destro the debris at the left end of them.

Jump up the two ledges and go down the tunnel. Destroy the bramble blocking
the tunnel when you get to them. Continue to the end of the tunnel and get
the two chests. If you haven't messed up and go all of the chests you're
fury meter should be full.

Go back a bit along a path to the left just before where the chests were.
Jump, grap and pull yourself out of the tunnel. Head through the open gate to
the left.

Go forward through the next open gate.


This is unfornately a trap so there's no more need for stealth. Run to the
other end and use magic twice on the gate to free yourselves.

Use magic arrow to knock down the enemies and kill attacks when they're on the
ground. Avoid them while your magic recharges or use precision shots on
archers. Use fury mode if you have it available so you can use a magic arrow
every second shot. Try to work you way left and then back around the wall.
If you need chests there is one to the right of the trap you where in and
another at the left end of the wall between the trap and the back are.

After dealing with the soldier, go to the back area and use magic on the wall
by the catapult to form some stairs. Jump up the stairs and go to the right
end of the landing at the top. Use magic to open the bell tower while Brom
shoots the bell (or you can use a precision shot if he's otherwise occupied.

Go back down the stairs and use magic on the balista to blast open the close
gate. Run through the gate and then then go through the gate at the back of
the screen to complete the mission.

Progression summary:

Play tip: Use evades to avoid dangerous attacks.

Hold X and Move L to evade in that direction.

4.9 Gil'ead Keep

Like the previos mission there will be stealth involved in the first part of
the mission. Again you can fight your way through if you mess up.

Get onto one of the pressure plate by the portcullis. Brom will get on the
other one to open the gate.

Go through the gate.


Turn right. There's a chest to the right of the stairs. Go up the stairs and
into the dungeon. You'll need to use magic and precision shots to deal with
the gaurds in here. Brom will take one of their uniforms to use as a


Leave the dungeon. Wait at the bottom of the stairs for Brom to distract the
guard. When the guard acknoledges Brom, go through the gate and head right.
being sure to hug the right wall.

Continue forward. Get the chest by the tree where the wall turns right.
Wait for Brom to distract a group of guards before approaching an turn turn to
the right when you get to them.

Get two chests to the left while Brom goes around the corner to the right and
distracts another group of guards. Head behind them and go to the end of the

Use magic on the wall at the end to form a platform. Jump, grab, and pull up
onto it. Repeat the process twice and drop onto the top of thw walls.


You'll need to fight from now on. Use magic arrows and pressions shots
whenever possible. If you have a full fury meter, save it incase you or Brom
get into trouble with your health as it will give you a full heal.

After dealing with the first batch of guards go towards where they were. Use
pull magic on the archer when you get to the corner. Turn left.

Go slowly allow the wall and periodic aim to see if an enemies is in range.
Use a precision shot if there is. When you reach the stairs to the left of
the path you can continue along the wall your one around around the corner to
find three chests. Beward of the enemies on route including an archer in the
corner toward as well as some that appear behind you. If your close enough to
enemies that your magic arrows knock down use kill attacks on them. Backtrack
to the stairs.

After a couple of fights. You can head toward the front of the screne at the
second junction to find a chest. Return to the second junction.


Continue left, have another fight and get the the third junction. A chest is
visible here amd ampther is at the end of the path into the screen.

Continue left up the stairs from the third junction and fight off the


Head towards the front of the screen. You'll need to fight one shield soldier
before you get to the corner and three more soldiers after you turn the
corner. The secret egg is at the end of the path. Return to the last
junction at the top of the stair.

Head towards the corner in the distance having a fight along the way. Go
down the stairs to the right and have another fight at the bottom of the
stairs where you can find two chests.

Come forward into the screen and pick off a couple of soldiers. Turn the
corner and go to the end of the path.


You'll fall into the dungeon cell on the other side of the bars where Brom got
his disquise. Use magic on the left wall. Drop into the pit. There's a
chest to the left but there's no point in getting it as all you need to do now
is head right to complete the mission.

Progression summary:

Eraogon Can now Use 'Fire' Magic

Use LT+B to Burn Enemies

4.10 Durza's Fortress

This level is a long climb up a tower with a boss battle at the top. It's a
fairly lengthy level so make sure you have a couple of hours available to play

This is the first level you can use fire magic (LT + B). You'll need this for
the boss battle, but magic arrows and precision (or quick) shots will get you
through the soldiers on the way up the tower.

Jump and grab the ledge above where you start. Shimmy left and drop down.
Jump and grab the ledge to the left and pull yourself up. Do this again to
reach the the floor above you.

Use precision shots to deal with the four enemies on this floor. If they get
to close, run from them until your magic recharges. Follow the walkway left
about a quarter of the way around the toward and turn left into the center.
Use magic to repair the walkway that crumbled in front of you. Enter the
center portion.

Use a magic arrow to knock down the soldiers here and use a kill attack on one
of them. If you can get enough distance pick off the other two with precision
shots, otherwise try to avoid them while your magic recharges.

Before going up the ramp at the back left, take the other path to the left to
get a chest. Return to the center and go up the ramp which crumbles behind

Use a magic arrow on the soldiers that approach along the ramp and kill attack
one of them on the ground. Brom and you should be able to take to other with
sword combos.

Go to the end of the ramp and jump to grab the ledge above to the left. Pull
up and deal with two more soldier, a magic arrow will destory the leader's
shield and a quick shot will finish him off. Brom and you can handle the
second with swords.

Keep following the ramp until past the opening to the outer tower to find a
chest. Go through the opening.


The walkway here will crumble behind you. Head clockwise around the outer
perimeter and down the stairs in front of you. Magic arrows and precision
shots will work fairly well against the group of soldiers here, or use quick
attacks or the sword if they get close while your magic is charging.

Go left to the next corner. You can use magic here to pull out a block.
Jump, grab and pull up onto it. Repeat the process with the second block.
Jump up from the second block to the next floor.


Deal with the group of enemies like the ones on the previous floor.


Head left to the next corner path a walkway into the center. Drop into the
pit there to get the secret egg as well as two chests. Jump, grab and pull up
twice to get out of the pit and return to the walkway to the center.

Go onto the center walkway. Use precision shots on the distance soldiers that
are off the screen when you're this walkway. Go to the other end and jump,
grab, and pull up onto a small platform.

Use magic on the wall. Jump and grab the ledge that forms and shimmy left.
Pull up through the opening. Go up the ramp and through the door. A
precision magic shot should take out both of the archers.

Use another magic shot on the foot soldiers that approach and finish them of
with you sword. There are a couple of chests a fair distance to the left,
return to the walkway from the center after you get them.

Use magic on the debris to the right of the end of the walkway. Cross the
bridge you just formed. Get the chest at the end of the walkway to the
center here and return to the outer walkway.

Use magic on the wall. Jump and grab the ledge you expose and shimmy right
across it. Drop down on the other side. Deal with the lone soldier as you
continue clockwise around the tower.

Take the path into the center. Use magic arrows on the soldier in here and
try to avoid them between shots. Go through the door to the right.

Use magic on the beam. Jump and grab it. Shimmy right across it and drop
down on the outer walkway.

Go left around the walkway. Jump, grab, and pull up onto the smaller block in
the corner. Jump onto the larger block to the left. Go up the ramp. Take
the path into the center.

You'll need to balance on the beams in here. Don't go onto the stone portion
as they fall away on you. If you fall you'll jump have to climb back up and
try again. Go throug the door at the other end.


Female Number of posts : 435
Age : 35
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2009-01-12


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Eragon Walkthrough Empty Eragon Walkthrough

Post by Elwa 26th April 2009, 16:18

Magic arrows and quick shots can be used to dispatch the approaching soldier,
retreat behind Brom when they get too close.

Go to the outer walkway and get the chest to the left before heading right.
You'll need to deal with a few soldier and archers along the way. Ignore the
first walkway you come to for now. Go past the second to get the chests. Go
into the center via the second walkway.

Use magic on the column in here and backtrack to the first walkway to the
center. Climb up the stairs outside the center column and use magic when the
column you used magic on in the center crashed into the wall.

Jump, grab and pull up onto the platform you just made. Jump, grab and pull
up to the walkway ahead of you.


Head to the outer walkway. Use a magic precision shot on the offscreen
soldier that shouts before you reach the outerway way. Work your way
clockwise around the outer walkway, picking of the archers in the center which
magic, precision, and quick shots. Roll clockwise periodically to avoid
incoming fire and to position yourself for a clean shot.

When you get to where the soldier retracted a walkway you'll find a chest, get
it if you need healing. Keep going clockwise until the soldier extend the
walkway again. Finish off the last few that come out on foot. Go the rest of
the way clockwise for two chests before heading into the center via the
extended walkway.

Now the positions are reverse. Its easiest to deal with these soldier if you
go back onto the walkway and use magic and quick shots.

Go back into the center and get the chests in here on the left side. Go
through the opening to the right.

Use magic on the corner of the balcony. Jump, grab, and pull up onto the
corner you broke off. Jump, grab, and pull up to the ledge to the right above
you, and again to a second ledge. Go into the center of the tower through
the opening.

You've walked into an ambush. This is a good place to use the fury to quickly
deal with the shielded soldier using magic arrows. Wait for the fury to end
before getting the two chests on either side of the door that opens. Go
through the door.


Use magic arrows and quickshots on the approaching soldiers. Backtrack into
the center if they get to close.

Go to the outer walkway and head right. Use magic on the column beside what a
walkway to the center appears to have been at one time. Jump and grab the now
horizontal column and pull up onto it. Jump and grab the ledge above and
shimmy to the right. Pull up at the right end to the floor above.

Head right. Deal with the two soldier using magic arrows and quick shots,
falling back as needed. Keep going right and use precision shots at the next
walkway to pick off a couple fo archers in the distance.

Go into the center and go right. Use a magic arrow on the foot soldier and
precision shots on the archer. Get the chest when you get back to the outer

Go back to the open to the center and go counterclockwise onto the narrow
ledge on the outer wall of the center column. Use magic on the wall to for a
staircase. Jump up the stairs.


Use magic arrow on the approach soldiers. Run by them when they get close.

Go to the outer walkway. Head right. Use magic arrows and quick shots on the
approaching soldiers. Fall back as necessary.

Keep going clockwise around the outer walkway and go down some stairs. Go
left at the bottom, Use magic arrows and quick shots on the soldiers. You
only have room to fall back once here, but go back up the stairs if necessary.

Keep going left here and get the chest just past a way walk to the center.
Head towards into the center and through the door to the right. Fall back
into the center so you can deal with the foot soldiers with magic shots before
picking off the archers with precision shots.

Go to the outer walkway and head counterclockwise and up the stairs.


Go forward a bit. Use magic and quick shots on the two soldiers, falling back
to the top of the stair. Go forward and get the two chests. Head into the

Its another ambush. Use fury mode if you have it to make quick work of the
soldier using magic arrows. Go through the door to the left.


Go to the outer walkway. Get the chests to the left after fury expires. Go
up the stairs to the right.


Use magic arrows and quick shots on the soldier. Go forward and take the
walkway the soldiers came out on into the center.

Theres more balancing to do in here. Get the chests in the opening to the
right and left first. Work your way to the left side of the room. If you
fall climb back up the stairs and try again. Go through the door on the other
side when you make it across.


Go to the outer walkway. Get the two chests here and go left for two more.
Go up the stairs to the right. Follow the outer walkway. Get another chest at
the end. Jump and grab the beam and shimmy right. Drop down and use
precision or magic shots on the archers below. Get chest by the door. Hack
through the door.


This is a boss battle against the Shade, Darza

Save your fury if you have it for when you and/or Brom get into trouble
healthwise. There are also four chest to save for that here.

When you have a full magic meter use flame magic (LT + B) on Durza. Use quick
shots when your magic is recharging. Run from him if he gets too close.
Don't waste time attacking when he's shielded, concentrate on avoiding the
flying blades.

Reduce Darza to about 20% of his original health to complete the mission.


Eragon now wilds Brom's Sword, Zar'roc. Your Attacks are even more powerfull.

Murtagh is now your Ally.

4.11 Flight From Gil'ead

This is another mission riding Saphira. Like the second part of the first
mission you need to inflict damage on enemies below. You now have a flame
breath attack (A). When outside alternate between using this and magic arrows
when the flame breaths power is recharging.


Head down the canyon from the start. After passing through two stone arches,
follow a dove into a cave in the lower right. If you miss this cave its a
long way around through dangerous territory before you get a chance to heal
again. Catch the dove in the large caver and get the secret egg in the
opening to a smaller tunnel. Fly through the tunnel and back outside past
the long dangerous stretch on the outer circuit.

From here you'll follow the canyon around a bend to to the left. Try to use a
flame attack when you see the cave marked by a torch to the right to sear the
soldier on the path head. Just to the left of them is another opening to the
cave you where just into. You can follow the dove inside there and keep
looping around until the mission is complete. There is a checkpoint after 50%
damage is inflicted.

If you're ok for health at the alternate entract you can continue to the first
opening, but on hard difficulty its a risk.

Progression Summary:

Play tip: Plug in a 2nd controller to play with a friend. Fight together to
defeat the minoins of Galbatorix!

4.12 Ruins of Orthiad

You being this mission facing a Kull, a large minotaur. You are now joined
by Murtagh who will be with you for the rest of the game.

Take quick shots at the Kull until he started to charge at which time use Pull
magic to get him onto the ground. Run up to him and get onto his back (B).
Steer him off the cliff to the left.

With the second Kull lets practice another technique to get him on the ground,
use a precision shot to blind it, run up to it and hack away with your sword
to force it to the ground. Get on its back and run it off the cliff as well.

Deal with a third Kull in the same way. You can also just keep blinding and
attacking it to kill it.

A fourth Kull crashes through the far wall. You won't need to fight him.
After getting the chests at the far end just go through the opening.


You'll be in a tunnel with several Urgal. Use magic arrow and precision shots
to deal with the first ground. Use magic on the purple gem to the left while
you're here.

Go forward to the corner.


Go behind the kings statue to get the egg that you can barely see the glow

Head left and use magic on the blue gem. Get the chests if you need them.
Turn the corn and deal with more Urgals using magic and precision shots. Fall
back if needed.

Once this wave is deal with go back around the corner after the blue gem.
Where the may still be a couple of archers. Use magic on the red gem to the
left and the light blue gem to the right. There's a chest on the right side
of the hall if it didn't get destroyed during the battle.

Go around the next corner and deal with the last from Urgals in the area at
the end of it.

Use magic on the green gem to the left just before the open area. Get the
chest below it and two others in the open area. Use magic on the orange gem
on the right side of the area.

If you've activated all six gems you can use magic on the big door here to
open it. Go through the door.


You're in a round room with a Kull and four Urgals. Deal with the Urgals
first using Magic shots. Run around to avoid the enmies while the magic
recharges. After they are gone, use a precision shot to blind the Kull and
start hacking at him until he gets back up. If Murtagh joins in you should
only need to do this twice to kill him.

Go through the door that opens and start going up the ramp. Use magic shots
and precision shots to deal with the Urgals along the way. Keep this up all
the way to the top.


Now you'll be need to fight three Kull on top of a cracking gem. They coming
in one at a time at scheduled intervals. You'll need to kill them quickly so
use precision attacks to blind them and start hacking away at them, repeating
until they are all dead. Don't try to ride them, it will just waste valuable
time. Use fury mode if you have it to speed up the process

If you kill them fast enough you go into the next room when a four one crashes
through the gem. Otherwise you go through with him and will need to fight the
battle again without the benefit of fury.

There are four chests in the arenao nn the gem, but you don't have time to
worry about them.


This room has a puzzle to solve. There is a set of wheels in front of you and
three gems you can use magic on. The combination I use is red = green -
yellow - red - green.

Once the puzzle is solved go around it and through the next door.


You have two Kull to deal with on the walkway. Force them to the ground
either with precision shoots and hacking or pull magic when they charge and
ride them over the gap it the railing at this end of the walkway.

Head left and deal with the four Urgals using magic and precision shots if
necesary. Jump grab and pull up, on to ledge at the left end of the walkway.
Try magic shots on the four urgals here. If possible try to save some of the
chests here for later.

Jump, grab and pull up the ledge in front of you. Use a magic shot on the two
Urgals in the distance, if you do it quick enough one of them will be knocked
off. Call Saphira to deal with the tower. While she does this use precision
shoots on the archers to the right. Go right and deal with the Urgals with
precision shots until you get to the Kull. Blind it will and precision shot
and start hacking, repeat until its dead.

Use magic and precision shots on the Urgal that break through from the right
before jumping, grabing and pulling up on the ledge they forms. There are
four more Urgals here. Break the chests here so you and Murtagh can heal.

On normal you might stand a chance of fight the remaining enemies. On hard
we're going to make a mad dash to the cliffs. There turn left and run past
the enemies and chest. Turn right and run past the Kulls and jump, grab, and
pull up two cliffs to the exit.

Progression summary:

Play Tip: When a Kull is stunned,, try to him him to the ground. Then Use B
to hop on his bck and gain the upper hand.

4.13 The Beor Mountains

Jump up the ledges to the right. Cross the log an get the fury energy from
the two chests. Backtrack to the starting point.

Go left along the road. Get more fury eneergy from the chest to the right of
the bridge. Cross the bridge and start wading upstream.


Kill a few Urgals with magic and precision shots. Call Saphire to take out
the archers on the cliff. Deal with the remaining Urgals.

Go upsteam a bit and get out on a path to the left where you'll find a couple
of chests. Return to the river and go around a bend to the left. Get out on
the path on the right side.


Follow the path and use magic on the stone pillar to form bridge. Get the
chest before you cross.

You should have enough energy to use fury mode for this battle if you got all
the chests, if not top off with the three chests here, but try to save them
for after the battle. Use magic arrow in fury mode to deal with the Urgals.

Head to the back of the screen and go up the path, jumping twice and then
jumping, grabbing and pulling up a ledge. Get the chest by the stream before
jumping, grabbing, and pulling up on the ledge to the left. Jump a small

Jump and grab the handhold and shimmy right across the river. Drop down on
the other side. Go right along the path.

Turn the corner to the left and drop down. Get the chest where you land.
Come forward into the screen and drop down again. Drop into the river.


Call Saphira to take out the archers to the left. Start using magic and
precision or quicks shot on the Urgals. When Saphira has finished on the left
call her to the archers on the right. Keep dealing the the Urgals and make
your way upstream. Note that there's a chest hidden in the weeds to the right
of the right. Try to save the magic until the urgals are close to you so you
can finish them off while they are on their backs.

Take the path to the right past where Saphira dealing with the second back of


Follow the path left. Use magic shot on the nearby Urgal on the bridge and
precision shots on the archers in the distance.

Continue left and get the two chests. Cross the second bridge to the right.
Use magic shots on the Urgals while on the bridge to knock some of them into
the water. Backtrack to the left as necessary to give yourself room for a
precision shot. Note the secret egg visible in the distance.

Get the chest at the right end of the bridge. Continue up the path.


You may want to enter fury mode in the clearing here to help deal with the
large number of Urgals that attack at once. Get the chest and work up way
through the archers as you go up the cliffs ahead. Jump climb up the cliffs
and hack them with your sword rather there removing their cover with magic.


Head left when you reach the top of the cliff to find the secret egg. Don't
bother with the chest as there are no remaining enemies.

Return to the top of the cliff and go through the gap to the back of the
screen to finish the mission.

Progression Summary:

Play tip: Use Skillshots against enemies to dispatch them quickly and

Press and hold RT then hold A to charge skillshots

Female Number of posts : 435
Age : 35
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2009-01-12


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Eragon Walkthrough Empty Eragon Walkthrough

Post by Elwa 26th April 2009, 16:18

4.14 Urgal Encampment

You'll need to use a bit a stealth in the first part of this mission to avoid
battling a large number of Urgals although the last mission should have you
prepared for that.

Stay where you are and prepare a precision shot. Release it when the Urgal
ahead comes into range. Go up to the corner ahead at the end of the first
Urgal's patrol route. Stop before exposing yourself to the Urgal around the

Aim to see when the Urgal is by its target circle. Wait for it to start
moving away. Go around the corner and dispatch it will a precision shot.
This ends the stealth part of the mission.

Get the chest ahead along the path. Drop down to the left ahead to dispatch
an Urgal. Climb back up and continue along the path and drop down.


Use precision shots on the three Urgals (not two as Murtagh claims). Pick off
the first two along the path to the right and get the chest at the end. Go
back to the junction and go forward and right to get a shot at the third.

Go down the path to the clearing. Use magic on the rocks to the left. Get
behind Murtagh and kill the two Urgals with precision shots.

Go along the path and use precision shot on two more Urgals that appear. Use
push magic on the archer near the bend in the path. Jump up to the right
before the bend to get two chests.

Go around the bend to a cave mouth. Use precision shots from the mouth of the
cave to dispatch the first three enemies. Go into the cave and use magic or
precision shots on the four enmies that appear. Continue along the path and
out of the cave.


Take on the Urgals in the camp here with magic shots amd precision shots. Go
up the left path and use magic to drop stagmites onto the archers head.
Repeat with a second bath. Use precision shots on any survivors. Get the
chest here.

Backtrack and take the right path forward from the campsite. Use magic and
quickshot on the enemies or retreach up the path to give you room for
precision shots. When the enemies stop coming enter the cave they were coming
from. Go through the tunnel and drop down at the end.


Use precision shots on the archer. There is one that you can't get from here,
so head left along the path and jump, grab and pull up twice to get to the top
of the plateau where he is.


Drop into right end of the gap just behind where you reach the top of the
plateau to get the secret egg. The glow gives it away. Climb back out of the
pit where the egg was.

Once here you'll need to use magic and precision shots on several enemies.
Try to lure the Urgals forward into the lower part of the plateau and go back
up to hide from the archers fire by the spear. The Urgal will have trouble
getting back up to you giving you an opportunity to use magic shots on them.
A magic shot could also be helpful for the group of three archers to the
right. The rest can be dealt with with precision shots.

The are two chests on the plateau if you need to heal. Take the path forward
into the cave when you're done here and deal with two last archers. Use magic
to open the way into the cave and fullow the tunnel to the main campsite.


Fury mode would be a good thing now. Use magic arrows to dispatch the horde.
When fury runs out start using quickshots as well. Use the fire as cover, the
Urgals will blunder into it and damage themselves.

Progression summary:

Play Tip: You can Stun Enemies by Blocking at the Right Time.

Press X at the last moment to block, and then B to grab them when they are

4.15 Misty Gorge

Get the chest to the left of when you start. Follow the ledge your on to the
three chests in the distance. Use a magic shot and kill attack on the Urgal
that appears when you break one of them.

Go back to the starting point and drop down one ledge to the right. Go
forward to the chest and use precision shots on the archers below. Get the

Come to the front of the screen and go down the stone steps to the right. Go
forward to where the archers where and get the chest there. Use magic shots
on the Urgals and start falling back to use precision shots. Go back to where
they were and drop to the right.

Use a magic shot on the Urgals on the bridge and quick shots to finish them
off. Cross the bridge. Fire a magic shot at the Urgal and finish him off
with quickshots. Go to the end of the path and get the chests.

Come back a bit and drop to the right. Come forward down the stone stairs.
Go left across the bridge. Call Saphira to take out the archers on the
previous bridge. Use magic shots and kill attacks on the Urgals and the left
end of the bridge.

Go down the stone stairs to the left. Start heading under the stone arch to
the right. Call Saphira to take out the other bridge and fall back to avoid
the arrows.

Go right and then forward. Use magic shots and quick shots on the Urgals.
Keep going to the front of the screen.


You're in an area of mist. While there are chests throughout it, there are
also Urgals. Keep to the left wall to face a minimal number and reach the
exit from this area in the far left corner most quicking. When the Urgals do
attack use magic shots followed by quick shots. Be ready to roll to the side
when one gets to close. You should be attacked about six times with two or
three in the last batch.


You can go left to get a chest before going doing into the misty gully by the
stairs to the right.


Just follow the left wall as it curves right to reach the egg. Come back a
bit to where there is a small ledge on the right side of the path.

By this time the Urgals have reached you. They are endless in number here so
don't waste time fighting them. Keep the wall to your left until you get to a
pressure plate beside a chest. Get the chest and step on the plate.

Quickly backtrack to the small ledge just before where the secret egg was.
Jump, grab and pull up to the ledge above. Don't fight any Urgals, there
isn't time. Head towards the bridge, across the log, and forward into the
screen to get to the second plate. Quickly return to the bridge and cross it.

Use magic shots and quickshots on the Urgals in the canyon here. Follow the
canyon around a turn to the left and drop down.


Go left. Get some of the 5 chests if you need health or fury, otherwise save
them in case you do at some point in the next stretch.

Go upstream using precision shots on the Urgals in the stream. Run back
whenever the Urgals on the shore tip one of the big rocks. The second and
third rocks will crush the archers closest to them if you trigger them without
dealing with the archers yourself. In all there are six rock that get tipped.
Get out of the water past the last two by jumping onto the left bank.

Follow the bank into the screen.


You'll be faced with a lengthy battle again a horde of Urgals and three Kull.
If you're really lucky Saphira will grab all of the Kull, otherwise you'll
need to try to blind them and hack away at them. Use fury mode if you have it
to get through a good chunk of the Urgals with the fast charging magic shots,
although you may want to save it for a while incase you or Murtagh get into
trouble with your health.

Once the Kull have been dealt with the Urgals are matter of using magic shots
followed by kill attacks. Use precision shots if you have room when your
magic recharges.

Aria's health in the top left is a time but it should be an issue.

If you don't have fury (like if you contine from the checkpoint) quickly get
the six chests to fully charge up.

Progression Summary:

Eragon and Spahira now wear Protective dragon rider armor.

4.16 Urgal Attack!

Another mission riding Saphira. This is the only mission with a minimap that
show the 7 towers. It consist of four path. The meet at a rounded part on
one end and an indent part at the other. The green dot represent the health
of the towers.


Left get the egg first before you start attacking. You start at the indent
end of the map facing the two paths in the center. Go to the right of the
center tower. Keep right of at the rounded end to take the outer path with
three towers. The egg is to the right between the first and second towers on
this path.

After you get the egg, start flying around alternating a flame breath attack
and two magic arrow. Try to get the flame attacks over the oil fields. When
you get to the junction points on the map watch for the dove and follow the
same path it does. Keep this up and you should be able to finish the level
before all of the towers are destroyed.

There is a checkpoint after a minimal amount of damage to the enemy army and
another at 50% damage. Continue from the checkpoint restores the towers to
full health so you only need to be able to survive for half of the armies

Progression Summary:

Play TiP: Remember to look for Magic or Saphire Targets with the world that
can aid you.

Hold LT to Target, then Pres A to activate them.

4.17 Defend the Varden

The last mission on foot, bonus mission notwithstanding. There are 400 enemy
soldier that you will need to kill.

Use precision shots from where you start until the remaining count is at 394.

Come forward at left, down the wooden stairs. Turn to the left and bringe the
count down to 392 with precion shot. Turn toward the front of the screen and
bridge the count down to 386 from the landing. Continue down the stairs which
will turn to the left.


Turn left and run past the soldiers (or use a magic shot on them) so that
you're in front of the building. At some point in this battle use magic on
the ground level door to get 3 chests inside. Use precision shots, saving
magic shots for soldier that get close to you, which you can finish off with
kill attacks while they are on the ground. This will continue until the count
is reduce to 365.


Fury mode is recommended here. Use magic shots to get the count down to 340.
Summon Saphira and keep using magic and quick shots until the count is 299.

Go between the middle and right building. Get on top of the middle building.
Jump to the left building from the front edge of the middle platform. Drop
back to the ground and use precision shots to bring the count to 292.

Get back to the left building. Jump, grab and pull up. Use precision shots
to get the count to 288. Jump to the middle platform and then to the right.
Use a magic shot and kill attack on the soldier that gets close and climb up
the stair to get away from the edge of the platform. Before going up to the
left use precision shot to get the count to 285. Go up the stair and use
magic on the platform to get the count to 282.

Head right up more stairs. Use precision shots on soldier on the way up to
the building at the top to get the counter to 278.

Go through the left door at the top. Kill the soldier in here with magic and
precision shots to get the count to 275. Get the three chests.


Go through the left door. Use magic and precision shots to get the count to
251. Go through the doorway ahead. Kill more soldiers with magic or
precision shots as you follow the walkway around and back into the building.
Keep this up unti the count is 248. Go through the door on the other side of
the building.


After Saphira flames the ground soldiers use magic and precision shots on the
archers, perhaps chasing one up the stairs to a chest (or rather its contents
as the magic shot will have broken it). The count should be 232.

Get back to the ground and continue left to a bridge. Use precision shots or
magic if the soldier get close to get the count to 224.

Walk onto the bridge. Use precision shots to get the count to 200. Walk
ahead to the bend in the bridge. Kill one more soldier to get to 199.

There are some stairs at the bend. Use precision shots from the top of them
to get the count to 194.


Go down the winding stairs. Get the two chests. Head right down the ramp to
the secret egg and more chests. Go back to the top fo the bridge.

Finish crossing the bridge.


Saphira will flame the rooftop ares to get the count to 190. Head left, deal
with the two soldier hear with magic shots and kill attacks. Keep going left,
stop before the drop and use precision shot to pick off the soldier below when
they try to jump up. The count should be 181.

Drop down. Summon Saphira. Stat using magic and quick shots until the count
is about 172. Summon Saphira again and resume the magic and kill shots. The
count should be 113 before dropping through the hole in the roof.


Use magic, kill attack, and quick shot on the soldier in the room, roll when
they are about to attack. Count is 109.

Ignore the magic door for now and come forward into the screen and through the
door in the next room. Use magic arrows and kill attacks on the soldier to
get the count to 107.

Female Number of posts : 435
Age : 35
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2009-01-12


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Eragon Walkthrough Empty Eragon Walkthrough

Post by Elwa 26th April 2009, 16:19

Return to magic door and use magic on it. Go through the opening kill three
soldier on the other side. Go through the door and down the stairs.

Use magic and quickshots on the enemies. Count is 96.

Get the chests and come down the stairs at the front of the screen. Go out
the door on the left.


Go down the ramp to the battleground. There will be one Kull here but he will
be a non issue. Use fury mode if you have it and start using magic arrow on
the enemies. Summon Saphira about every 10 kills to complete the mission.

Progression summary:

When Flying Saphira, use Magic to repel enemy attacks.

Press LT+A to through projectiles back at them.

4.18 Final Battle

The last mission is an aerial battle again Durza. There are no checkpoints
in the mission.


It somewhere in the cloudy areas, not in the clear sky. You may see it very
early in the flight or much later. With few frame of reference it's hard to
describe how to get to it. You're bound to see it after a few attempts at
the mission. However without checkpoint, getting the egg means nothing if
your don't survive the mission so concentrate of perfecting the boss strategy
before worrying about it.

Durza has three types of attacks: fireballs, flame breath, and dark magic. By
continuously circling the screen you dodge the worst of the fireballs and
breath attacks. The dark magic must be repelled by repel magic (LT + A).
Unforturnately the dark magic is the same color as the clous so its hard to

The best way to deal with Durza is to circle counterclockwise and constantly
attempt repel magic. After you see the end of a string hit him, unfortunately
not damaging him through, fire a single magic arrow and resume the repel
magic. Keep this up until he makes his flame run attack. He'll be vulnernate
as he come back in front of you so use a flame breath attack on him, trying to
guess which direction he'll return from, this will do a lot of damage to him.

You may spot the occasional dove, but it is dangerous to go after them as it
will leave you open to the fireball. Only the secret egg is worth going after
if you happen to see it.

Progression Summary

Play Tip: Every level contains a secret dragon's egg that unlocks bonus
content. Find them all for a special surprise!

4.19 Throne Room (Bonus Mission)

This level is an endless battle again all of the enemies you've faced it the
game, expect Durza unless he appear some after wave 30 which is the furthest
I've made it.

You'll start of against soldiers for several mission, before Urgals start to
appear. A single Ra'zac will appear in wave 16. Kull will start appear after
that. The 30 wave that did me in on normal has two Ra'zac.

The room's perimeter is lined with chests. Save them for when you're
desparate for health.

For the most part keep your distance from the pack and use precision shots to
deal with the enemies. Save fury for when Murtagh gets very low on health,
he's the weakest link in this survival contest.

Deal with Kull be blinding them and hacking away at them or pulling them to
the ground with pull magic. Urgal can be knocked down with magic arrows and
dispatch with kill attacks. Good luck against the Ra'zac, maybe magic arrows
and quick shots from a distance.

5. Unlockables

The are 18 unlockables, one for each of the secret eggs. The unlockable are
unlocked in this order, regardless for which egg you've found.

1. Ad for the books Eragon, and Eldest
2. Edward John Speleers - commentary
3. Design - commentary
4. Art direction - commentary
5. Birth of a Game - commentary
6. Concept Art
7. Orchestra - commentary
8. Saphira - commentary
9. Sienna Guillory - commentary
10. Character - concept art
11. More Concept Art
12. More Concept Art
13. Robert Carlyle - commentary
14. Sound Effects - commentary
15. Garrett Hedlund - commentary
16. Evolution of Games - commentary
17. More Concept Art
18. Bonus Mission: Throne Room

5. Xbox 360 Achievements

The Xbox 360 version of the game has 37 secret achievements for a total 1000
The eighteen 20 point achievements are for completing the 18 missions on
Normal difficulty:

The Spine Mountains - Normal
Carvahall - Normal
Daret Docks - Normal
Daret Town - Normal
Daret Bridge - Normal
Ra'zac Chase - Normal
Trapped! - Normal
Gil'ead City - Normal
Gil'ead Keep - Normal
Durza's Fortress - Normal
Flight From Gil'ead - Normal
Ruins of Orthiad - Normal
The Beor Mountains - Normal
Urgal Encampment - Normal
Misty Gorge - Normal
Urgal Attack! - Normal
Defend the Varden - Normal
Final Battle - Normal

The eighteen 30 point achievements are for completing the 18 missions on Hard

The Spine Mountains - Hard
Carvahall - Hard
Daret Docks - Hard
Daret Town - Hard
Daret Bridge - Hard
Ra'zac Chase - Hard
Trapped! - Hard
Gil'ead City - Hard
Gil'ead Keep - Hard
Durza's Fortress - Hard
Flight From Gil'ead - Hard
Ruins of Orthiad - Hard
The Beor Mountains - Hard
Urgal Encampment - Hard
Misty Gorge - Hard
Urgal Attack! - Hard
Defend the Varden - Hard
Final Battle - Hard

The 100 achievement is for finding all 18 secret eggs:


Female Number of posts : 435
Age : 35
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2009-01-12


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